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Showing posts from January, 2018

Things to do before getting a puppy

In the process of selling our last two corgi puppies (shown above), I thought about sharing some important points to consider before getting a dog. So here goes: 1. First things first: Do your research. Oh sure, you saw this post on Instagram of a cute puppy and saw what breed it is. Then you decided it's the type of dog you want. Before even starting to look for breeders, research first about the breed. It may look cute and all, but the personality of the dog may not match yours or you may not be able to meet the dog's needs based on your lifestyle. If you're staying in an apartment: Although all small dogs sound reasonable, you might want to avoid barkers and howlers   as it would really get you in trouble with neighbors. Also, you would want to get a dog that is okay to be left alone   while you go to work or school. Recommended dogs are the following: 1. Pug 2. Maltese 3. French bulldog 4. English bulldog 5. Basenji 6. Yorksh

Best of both worlds

Since it's January and it's my birth month, I thought it would be nice to talk about being born as a twin. We're only one of the many set of twins in both my mom and dad's families so it was no surprise for everyone that my mom was having twins. With our tita twins (daddy's younger sisters). Guess who's Lora in this pic! Having a twin is special. To be born with a womb-mate is not something that everyone gets to experience. Let me share some of the best parts about having a twin: 1. What she gets, I get them too. She's not much into sun, sea and sand but she's putting up with it 'coz we have to go together! It's important for twins to have their own identity and individuality outside of the "twin-ship". But at the same time the sense of fairness   is just as important. So here's what most people do (especially my mom): When we get gifts, they always make sure to give the same thing to both

Surviving the Shadows: Being true to yourself

If you want to be happy, you must be true to who you are. I've always had this belief that for each one of us, a dream is planted in our hearts. It's the blueprint, the manual to what we were made to do in this life. Our hearts know it too well yet we refuse to listen because it feels like what it is-- just a dream. There are brave ones who declare it to the world and act on it the moment it is revealed   to them. And then there's us, the ones who pretend that it's not there. Every time we close our eyes, we see it. Then we blink again and convince ourselves to believe otherwise. We can only pretend for so long. No matter how hard we try, the dream never leaves us. It always tries to pop back up with every chance it gets. At least, that's what happened to me. I spiraled down my own pretentions. Life had a way of putting me in a corner where I could no longer lie to myself. "You painted such a good picture."   was what the d