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Best of both worlds

Since it's January and it's my birth month, I thought it would be nice to talk about being born as a twin.

We're only one of the many set of twins in both my mom and dad's families so it was no surprise for everyone that my mom was having twins.

With our tita twins (daddy's younger sisters).

Guess who's Lora in this pic!

Having a twin is special. To be born with a womb-mate is not
something that everyone gets to experience. Let me share some of the best parts about having a twin:

1. What she gets, I get them too.

She's not much into sun, sea and sand but she's putting up with it 'coz we have to go together!
It's important for twins to have their own identity and individuality outside of the "twin-ship". But at the same time the sense of fairness  is just as important.

So here's what most people do (especially my mom): When we get gifts, they always make sure to give the same thing to both of us.
And since we have different interests, we get two kinds of gifts: the one that we want and the one that twinny wants.

Buy 1 take 1's are our favorite.
Not to mention, I also get to borrow her stuff (with or without permission HAHA). So that's one item, in two colors, both yours. Perfect!

The downside of this is when it comes to doing things you don't really like/enjoy.
For example, we have to go to the dentist together or to the doctor even when only one of us is sick. Or we both get enrolled in art class even though only one of us is interested. 😂

2. The best better half.

Before boyfriends and best friends, twins already have each other.

No better partner than the one who literally spent their whole life with you!
It's such a no-brainer for me. I choose my twin by default. 😂
We're never worried about 'not having anyone'.

Sure, we fight and have our misunderstandings but trust me,
our fights don't last more than 5 minutes.
It's no use. We're stuck with each other for life.
(Oh, and if anybody messes with one of us, you're in for a double trouble!)

3. No dull moments. Ever.

When we're out with friends or family and we see something that reminds us of something funny, like from a movie, we can say just one line from that movie and the whole scene plays in our heads. We'd laugh ourselves out and everyone around us just keeps guessing. It's fun how someone is already in the same thoughts as you and you don't have to say anything anymore. (We can really read each other's minds sometimes. No joke.)

We can talk for hours about anything. We talk about stuff that we already talked about a dozen times. We call each other almost everyday and never get tired of it.

But don't ever think that we act so sisterly when we're together. We act so annoyed with each other sometimes but that's how I know Rona is still Rona. Texts are filled with 'loser' or 'whatever' or even 'yuck'. Annoying each other in real life is also just as fun, and we exchange 'oh please' with matching roll eyes then laugh at it.

There's still so much more with our twin life but I'll leave that to later posts.

One last thing.
I know you're all interested to ask this one question:
Who is the mean twin?
Well, this photo says it all.

Feel free to drop some more questions and I might answer them
in my next posts!

That's all for now.



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