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Things to do before getting a puppy

In the process of selling our last two corgi puppies (shown above), I thought about sharing some important points to consider before getting a dog.

So here goes:

1. First things first: Do your research.

Oh sure, you saw this post on Instagram of a cute puppy and saw what breed it is. Then you decided it's the type of dog you want.
Before even starting to look for breeders, research first about the breed.
It may look cute and all, but the personality of the dog may not match yours or you may not be able to meet the dog's needs based on your lifestyle.

If you're staying in an apartment:
Although all small dogs sound reasonable, you might want to avoid barkers and howlers  as it would really get you in trouble with neighbors.

Also, you would want to get a dog that is okay to be left alone  while you go to work or school.

Recommended dogs are the following:
1. Pug
2. Maltese
3. French bulldog
4. English bulldog
5. Basenji
6. Yorkshire Terrier
7. Boston Terrier
8. Corgi
If you have allergies:
Most of the time, we think that as long as the coat or fur of the dog is short in nature, they won't be causing allergies. But dogs are home to plenty of other allergens besides the hair, such as dander (tiny flakes of skin that they shed), saliva, and urine. No matter what the breed, dogs really can't be hypoallergenic.

However, if you really want to own a dog, here are the least allergy causing breeds:
1. Maltese
(highly recommened since I own one and I easily get allergies; they have hair and not fur)
2. Shih Tzu
(my sister owns one and she also doesn't get any allergies; they do not shed and their hair only falls of when brushing)
3. Bichon Frise
4. Chinese Crested
5. Basenji

You might also want to research on what breed fits your personality type  and see if your chosen breed will match! Other popular breeds include the Pomeranian, Chihuahua, Golden Retriever, Beagle, Rottweiler, Siberian Husky and German Shepherd.

(Top to bottom: Golden Retriever, Pomeranian, Beagle, long coat Chihuahua, Siberian Husky)

2. Consider the costs.

Getting a pure bred dog may cost you a lot but rest assured that everything you are expecting from the breed will surely be met. If you buy from reputable breeders, you are ensured that the puppy you have is the closest to the standard. Its health, appearance, temperament, and other characteristics are all preserved as what is typical of its breed.

Getting a dog is not a one-time spend, rather it is a lifetime of expenses. You will have to pay for food, grooming, vitamins, toys and accessories (leash, collar, pet beds, etc.), vet appointments, medical procedures and others. So before saying yes to getting a dog, or even adopting one, make sure you have the means to meet the dog's needs.

3. Commit yourself.

This is the most important point to consider. I see quite a number of pet owners getting dogs just for the sake of profiting from its future litter, or for the sake of having a status symbol yet they easily neglect all of their dogs needs. If you're this kind of dog owner, well maybe it's time to reassess whether you deserve to own one.

Meet the Dumzville Kennel Superstars: Belle, Kiray, Chico, Monique and JJ.

Before even trying to get a puppy, commit yourself to taking care of your dog for the rest of its life.
Our dogs have no one else to rely on for their food, exercise and medicines, except us-- the dog owners. You're all that your dog has in this world.

They can't speak for themselves so you should always check on what your dog needs or check if it's acting differently due to a condition. Show them some affection and spend time with them by learning new tricks, going out for a walk or going out to the beach. These loyal creatures can wait for hours for you to get back from work and just 5 minutes spent with you is probably the best time they've had all day. Your dog will be with you for the rest of its life, make it worth their while.

Thanks for reading this far, and I hope you got a thing or two. If you have other questions as regards certain breeds or if you're having a hard time deciding, feel free to leave a comment!

Expect more posts about dogs in the future! Haha.


(Photos used are all mine. Most were taken during the dog shows in Cebu.)


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