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A collection of words from my personal journal (2019)

This post doesn't need a lengthy introduction. I simply want to share some thoughts that I have been able to keep from last year. In whatever way these words may touch you, I hope it serves its purpose. 1. Asking God for direction is more than okay-- it's best . Psalm 143:8 "show me the way I should go for to You I entrust my life." 2. "If you compete with others, you may not win. If you compete with yourself, you always win by becoming better. " -Debasish Mridha 3. "Compete with yourself to reflect the 'best-ness' of God. All your accomplishments when done at the best level, can bring glory to Him. They reflect His creativity and excellence." 4. "WALKING BY FAITH often means staying the course when you can't see or feel anything, and to suffer through times of dryness when you have nothing to cling to but the promise of God."- J.D. Greear 5. " Success is not just good luck; it is a constant combination of hard work,
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A collection of words from my personal journal (2018)

This post doesn't need a lengthy introduction. I simply want to share some thoughts that I have been able to keep from a few years back. In whatever way these words may touch you, I hope it serves its purpose. 1. " AUTHENTICITY : Knowing who you are and being brave enough to live it ." 2. "You rarely have time for everything you want in this life, so you need to make choices. And hopefully your choices can come from a deep sense of who you are. " 3. All I want is someone who can love me for who I was , who I am , and who I want to be . 4. Focus on building your character, while maintaining a teachable attitude and a humble heart. 5. No matter what other people may say, always live for Christ. 6. Our motives, why we do what we do, make all the difference. We are shaped by what we love most. Christ's love (and our love for Him) is the greatest of all motivators. It causes those who follow Him to live for Him, and not for them

Am I a toxic person?: How to practice mindfulness

So a couple of weeks back, I asked some of my followers on what topic they'd like me to write about and one of the questions I got was this: "How do I know if I'm a toxic person? How can I avoid being toxic?" I found it interesting because a lot of people don't ever ask themselves that question. Often times we're looking for "how to deal with toxic people" but not so much about "how can I avoid being a toxic person" . So how do you know if you're a toxic person? Well to start off, what do we mean by "toxic person" ? Here's a list of some common signs : 1. They try to control you by guilt tripping . Common phrases most probably used is "Uy sis, favor. Cge na. Friends bitaw ta.", e ven though they know that what they're asking you to do is probably inconvenient or annoying for you. They can't take "no" and instead say things like "I've done so much for you a

"Things to bring" for your upcoming Holiday trip!

  Can't believe it's been a month (again!) since my last blog post. Sounds like my New Year's resolution should be: be more consistent with blogging. Haha. But anyway, I decided to share with you guys my personal list of things to bring for every trip that I do. I usually have a small notebook where I write this list, and I bring that small notebook also on my trip so I can make sure I don't leave anything behind. Prepared  jud kaayo . 😂 Call it too much or whatever, but it works for me. No worries about "Did I pack my _____ already?" or "Did I forget something?". PAGE 1 1. MONEY.  Um. Obviously. Make sure to have your budget checked and that all possible expenses have been considered. You don't want to be out of cash or credit when you're out of the country. Check with your bank about overseas use of your cards . 😉 2. PASSPORT + HOLDER. I think it's best to protect your passport with a sleeve at all time

When love gets tough: LDR and long-term relationships

So one time, I had so much fun answering questions from some Instagram friends and followers all about L-O-V-E. Most of the questions were about Long Distance Relationships (LDR) so I thought I should write a post about my thoughts on it. And since it's our anniversary month, I feel like I should also talk about surviving a long-term relationship . Relationships can really go through some challenging and confusing times. 1. Unsaon pag last sa LDR? (How do you make a Long Distance Relationship last?) Most of the time, people go into LDRs because of work or school. And there's nothing wrong with that if you both need it to build a better life together in the future. It's harder but then it also helps build trust and independence. It's easy to trust someone when you're always together. For me, the real test is whether the person remains faithful despite being apart. So first things first, be with a man whom you're sure would be busy chas

Overcoming Grief: Thoughts and lessons from losing my dad

When my dad died, I told myself that it'll probably take me a year or so before I could openly talk about it and share my thoughts on how it feels to lose a parent. And now after a year has passed, I feel like I should share the realizations and lessons that I got from this chapter of my life. That's my dad. Always ready for an #ootd photo just like me. Losing a parent is by far the most painful thing I have ever experienced. It was all the more painful to me, as I was such a daddy's girl . Anybody who knows me well enough would also know how attached I am to my dad and how we are so much alike. It felt like losing your father and best friend at the same time. Weeks before his passing, the days were unusually quiet and peaceful. Everything looked perfect and there was nothing more anyone could ask for. But life has its way of stirring things up. And on the dawn of Sept. 7, 2017, I got a call saying that he's gone. Like a flame instantly put out